there are many different ailments that are plaguing our family and friends at the moment. In addition to my ever more difficult bed rest (sounds like a contradiction in terms:), now my Jakov has chicken pox, accompanied with high fever. Poor guy, he even has little dots on the soles of his feet. Last night he spent in tears and utter frustration because of the stcratching of his back and the fact that he is not allowed to scratch, even if he could reach his back. Miro slept in the room with him, just so he could be there for him when he wakes up (which was often), or even just to raise his voice, trying to make him snap out of uncontrolablle crying while sleeping.
Since chicken pox is highly contagious, we expect Josip to get it next. Both Miro and I had it before, so that we (and the baby) are ok.
My dad, who is 63, is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow - he has some water cysts on his kidneys that the doctors want to take out, since they are bigger than 9cm (3,5 inches). My dad is not a believer, so please pray with us that he will spend this time in the hospital seeking God.
Also, our dear friend and team mate, Garret, recently found out that his mom has something on her liver. The doctors are not sure if it's a liver tumor or a liver disease, and cannot do biopsy because of her other medical issues, so that the poor woman needs to decide whether she will go straight to chemo (believing it's a tumor) or start taking antibiotics (for liver disease). I can't imagine how difficult all that is for her and for her family. But we can pray, and pray eagerly. Our God is the Lord of all creation and has plans for all of us. Oh, I pray she seeks Him and finds in Him all her comfort and cast all her worries on Him. He atoned for our sins and there is now no condemnation for those who are in Him. And that is all we REALLY need.
Please join me in prayer for these things. Let us carry each other's burdens. May the Lord bless you huundredfold for every prayer for your fellow believers.