četvrtak, 23. prosinca 2010.

Some last minute ones

Well, today is Badnjak, as we call it in Croatia - the day before Christmas. This Christmas we will be spending with our family in Christ, here in Nova Gradiška. There will be a special meal to which everyone will bring something yummy and my family will host it. I am SO looking forward to it. Many things still to be done, but it's all exciting!

School break officially began today for Jakov, and Josip is staying home for the holidays too. I am so glad we will all be together, celebrating the memory of our Savior's birth: Him coming down to 'Earth's darkest night', spreading His light and giving us the gift of eternal life!! What a Savior!
Encouraged by the fantastic Christmas party my teammates Tim and Rae hosted, I will be spending the next few days visiting neighbors with a plate of homemade cookies, looking for an opportunity to share the Gospel with them. The cards I make are also a kind of a present for my friends and neighbors. Here are some last minute ones:) I love how festive red color is...

But I think I like green even better;)

This one was 'delivered' this evening: I gave it to my lovely friend Ana, who lives just down the street.

All the little sentiments were stamped with my new Croatian stamp set designed by my amazing friend Elizabeta, aka Teta Beta:), who started a little business making cards for different occasions and now even offers stamps in Croatian!! Check out her work HERE.

Well, I wish you all a very merry Christmas!!! Be of good cheer and remember the One 'behind' it all:)!!

četvrtak, 16. prosinca 2010.

A little bit of Christmas cheer:)

Here are some of the cards I've been making lately. For our friends in the States we've sent out a photo card, I hope you guys over the ocean have received them already! These are the ones that will, for the most part, stay within the borders of 'Lijepa naša':).

The first one is a bit special and is intended for a wonderful woman who likes the red and black combination;).

However, these next two sets were really easy to make, and could all go under the category of a 10 minute card:)). But, don't they look lovely? Haha, praising myself...not a way to do it!

I hope you like them. Have a nice evening/day:))!